
usos habituales del aceite de oliva

Olive oil and its uses

Spain holds first place in the world as a producer and exporter, followed (in the distance) by Italy and Greece, of olive oil.The main flavor component in the Mediterranean diet is very beneficial for our health, since according to multiple research studies, it reduces the risk of suffering from heart disease and diabetes; in addition

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Forky de Toy Story 4

Forky, uno de los nuevos personajes de Toy Story 4  , es un tenedor de plástico de 1 solo uso, ¡y tiene sus días contados! La película se estrena el próximo 20 de Junio de este año, pero se espera que, en España, por la resolución tomada en el Congreso de los Diputados, se prohibirá su

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Clasificacion de residuos

If your activity generates waste, it is necessary that you have it correctly classified. For this there is the EUROPEAN WASTE LIST (LER), which includes hazardous and non-hazardous waste. It is essential to know or have the technical data sheet of the raw material that generated this waste, even if it has been crossed or

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ENVIRONMENT OR ENVIRONMENT: BOTH ARE CORRECT, according to the Fundéu BBVA. Although the simple graphics are preferred, which is: ENVIRONMENT. Experts from the Fundéu explain it to us: Words that lose their accent when pronounced together with others tend to be written together, which is why “environment”, “rainbow” or “face up” form “environment”, “rainbow” and

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